Booking Info for class time
LB3 (Choose Library in KAMAR) - Bookable with LB4 or separately - 15 PCs plus desk space for 1 class
LB4 (Choose Library in KAMAR) - Bookable with LB3 or separately - There is full class desk space facing a laptop connected TV
LB2 (Choose Computers in KAMAR) - Bookable self contained computer suite 29 PCs
*Tip - Book both LB3 and LB4 when you need students to have digital access in an unshared space . The 15 PCs in LB3 are intended to supplement digital access if some students are without their own device.
We can also help with ClickView training and KAMAR photo updating & ID Cards
Contact Sue Goldsbury (GOS) or Linda Lamb (LAL)